Youth Advisory Council
Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is a student-led organization in Chippewa County that was designed to train young people in decision making skills to commit resources for youth projects and programs, and to involve youth in both volunteerism and philanthropy. YAC members are trained to review and evaluate grants. The Youth Enrichment Endowment Fund held at the Chippewa County Community Foundation (CCCF) is the source of these funds for grants in the local area.
Along with community service, YAC students have also taken service trips in the years 2017 and 2018 to Guatemala and the Dominican Republican. In these places, they served communities by refurbishing old student’s desks, and building a recycling center and home for a family.
There are 86 YAC’s in the state of Michigan and they have over 1500 members. These YAC’s and their members grant out over $2.5 million each year.
If you are interested in becoming a member of your local YAC, please contact the CCCF office for more information.
Is your group or organization in need of volunteers? Our YAC members are all very active volunteers in the community and would be willing to help out. Contact the foundation office to get in touch with some enthusiastic volunteers!